Services Details

Vehicles often come equipped with a small thin piece of metal attached to the brake pad to act as a warning indicator when the pad material is getting low and the brake pads should be replaced.

This device makes a chirping noise on brake application, letting you know it is time to have your brakes serviced.

When your brake pads are fitted they will be extra sensitive so take extra care for the first few miles to keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you and to brake in plenty of time.

Your vehicle’s suspension system is effectively a complex series of components designed to work together to limit the vibrations and undulations from the road surface, providing a smooth, controlled and comfortable driving experience. Great brakes and tyres need to be in full contact with the road to work most effectively. In fact, at 30mph, worn shock absorbers can add up to 2 metres to your braking distance!

Suspension System services include:
Air Ride Systems
Ball Joints
Coil Springs
Control Amps
Driving Axles
Diagnostics of your Suspension System
Front End Services – 4 Wheel Alignment, Wheels Aligned & Balanced, Shocks, Struts & CV Joints
King Pins
Lifting and Lowering
Performance Shocks and Struts
Steering Racks
Suspension – Custom made suspension systems repaired or installed